FaNick Gallery


One might ask, why flying machines? Firstly, a human can run, jump, and swim. Perhaps not better than all other creatures, but certainly not the worst. However, flying remains a fundamental capability that humans lack. As someone who strongly believes in the progress of mankind, I view flying machines as the ultimate manifestation of the power of humanity’s brain to overcome natural predetermination. Every time a man-made vehicle lifts off the ground, it is a miracle of technology; and each safe landing is a bright legacy of the sacrifice of the brave pioneers. And, at the very end, as A. Tupolev said, ‘Not beautiful aircraft cannot fly,’ so for me, planes are wonderful pieces of engineering art.

Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain

5 photos

RIAT 2022

RIAT 2022

14 photos

Le Bourget 2017

Le Bourget 2017

10 photos



20 photos